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14 results German - English substring search »
Agenzien {pl}   -   agents
Spediteure {pl}   -   forwarding agents
Backtriebmittel {pl}   -   baking agents
Alkylantien [med.]   -   alkylating agents
Luftporenbildner   -   air-entraining agents
Produktionsfaktoren {pl}   -   agents of production
Interkalanzien [med.]   -   intercalating agents
Betondichtungsmittel   -   water-repellent agents
silikone Strahlmittel   -   siliconic blasting agents
durch Organe handeln   -   to act through primary agents
- : Spediteurübernahme-Bescheinigung {f}   -   FCR : Forwarding agents, certificates of receipt
Reagenzien {pl}   -   reagents
Gegenmittel {pl}   -   counteragents
Spione (Agenten) einschleusen   -   to infiltrate spies (agents)
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