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5 results German - English substring search »
Narkose   -   anesthesia
Anästhesie, Betäubung   -   anesthesia, deadening of sensation (medical)
Betäubung {f}; Narkose {f}   -   anesthesia [Am.]; anaesthesia [Br.]
Anästhesie {f} [med.]   -   anesthesia [Am.]; anaesthesia [Br.]
extradurale Spinalanästhesie, Epiduralanästhesie, Extraduralanästhesie, Periduralanästhesie, Kaudalanästhesie   -   epidural anaesthesia, peridural anaesthesia, caudal anesthesia (medical)
"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." -- Albert Einstein
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