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52 results German - English substring search »
Versuch {m}   -   attempt
versuchen, Versuch   -   attempt
versuchen   -   to attempt
Unternehmung {f}; Versuch {m}   -   attempt
Leseversuch {m}   -   attempt to read
Solo {n} (Sport)   -   solo attempt; solo run
Gehversuch {m}   -   attempt at walking
ernster Versuch   -   serious attempt
Rettungsversuch {m}   -   rescue attempt
Fluchtversuch {m}   -   attempt to escape
schwacher Versuch   -   feeble attempt
Betrugsversuch   -   attempt to defraud
getarnter Versuch   -   disguised attempt
Rekordversuch {m}   -   attempt on the record
Bestechungsversuch   -   attempt at bribery
   |    next 15 »
You may be sure that when a man begins to call himself a "realist," he is preparing to do something he is secretly ashamed of doing. -- Sydney Harris
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