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351 results German - English substring search »
bar, kassieren, Kasse, Bargeld, Kassenbestand   -   cash
Taste {f}   -   bar
Theke {f}; Bar {f}   -   bar
Riegel {m}   -   bar
Stange {f}; Riegel {m}   -   bar
Strich {m}; Streifen {m}; Band {n}   -   bar
Bar/Riegel   -   bar
Bundstab   -   tie bar
in bar   -   in specie
Kellner {m}   -   bar man
Bandstab   -   flat bar
der Ausschank   -   bar
Rundstab   -   round bar
Stabwelle   -   bar wave
Barren, Stange, Schranke, Bar, Gericht   -   bar
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy department."
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