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97 results German - English substring search »
hinten   -   behind
hinter   -   behind
hinter, hinten   -   behind
dahinter   -   behind
dahinter   -   behind it
nachhinken   -   lag behind
hintenherum   -   from behind
hinterrücks   -   from behind
zurückfallen   -   fall behind
hinterlassene   -   left behind
verspätet   -   behind schedule
dahinterstecken   -   be behind it
hinterlassen   -   to leave behind
hinterlassend   -   leaving behind
zurückbleiben   -   to fall behind
   |    next 15 »
Spirtle, n.: The fine stream from a grapefruit that always lands right in your eye. -- Sniglets, "Rich Hall & Friends"
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