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13 results German - English substring search »
Stern {m}   -   diamond
Diamant {m}   -   diamond
[ Personenname ]   -   Diamond
Brillantring   -   diamond ring
Diamantrahmen {m}   -   diamond frame
Rautenprofil {n}   -   diamond pattern
der Diamantschleifer   -   diamond point
ungeschliffener Diamant   -   rough diamond
Brillantring {m}   -   brilliant ring; diamond ring
Rautenprofil {n}   -   diamond pattern; rhombic pattern
PKD : polykristalliner Diamant {m}   -   PCD : polycristalline diamond
Karo {n} (Kartenspiel)   -   diamonds
Diamanten {pl}   -   diamonds
You can't have your cake and let your neighbor eat it too. -- Ayn Rand
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