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12 results German - English substring search »
Ausfuhr   -   exportation
Wiederausfuhr   -   re-exportation
Exportland   -   country of exportation
Exportartikel, Ausfuhrartikel   -   article of exportation
Exportartikel, Exportware   -   article of exportation
Exportartikel {m}; Ausfuhrartikel {m}   -   article of exportation
wegen des Exports   -   because of the exportation
aufgrund der Ausfuhr   -   by reason of exportation
aus Anlass der Ausfuhr   -   by reason of exportation
Wiederausfuhrbescheinigung {f}   -   re-exportation certificate
erhoben wegen des Exports   -   levied because of the exportation
Exporte {pl}   -   exportations
QOTD: "I sprinkled some baking powder over a couple of potatoes, but it didn't work."
processing time: 0.062 [sec]

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