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13 results German - English substring search »
fortlaufend, ununterbrochen   -   continuous
fortlaufend   -   consecutively
fortlaufend   -   progressional
fortlaufend; durchgehend   -   continuous
fortlaufend numerieren   -   number consecutively
fortlaufend nummeriert   -   consecutively numbered
aufeinander folgend; aufeinanderfolgend [alt]; fortlaufend   -   consecutive
Abteilung {f} (eines fortlaufenden Sammelwerks)   -   section
fortlaufende   -   consecutive
fortlaufende   -   continuously
Abteilungstitel {m} (eines fortlaufenden Sammelwerks)   -   section title
Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk   -   Serial
fortlaufende Nummerierung {f}   -   consecutive numbering
The bland leadeth the bland and they both shall fall into the kitsch.
processing time: 0.045 [sec]

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