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267 results German - English substring search »
völlig   -   fully
vollständig   -   fully
flügge   -   fully fledged
vollauf; völlig   -   fully
vollgültig   -   fully valid
voll eingezahlt   -   fully paid
vollbesetzt   -   fully occupied
voll stimmhaft   -   fully voiced
voll versichert   -   fully insured
vollberechtigt   -   fully entitled
vollbeschäftigt   -   fully employed
voll beschäftigt   -   fully employed
vollautomatisch   -   fully automatic
voll konvertierbar   -   fully convertible
volle Vorspannung   -   fully prestressing
   |    next 15 »
Never speak ill of yourself, your friends will always say enough on that subject. -- Charles-Maurice De Talleyrand
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