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11 results German - English substring search »
gewahr   -   aware
bewusst; gewahr   -   aware
gewahr; wissend   -   aware
Gewahrsam {m}   -   ward
Gewahrsam   -   custody
Gewahrsam, Haft   -   custody
Gewahrsam, Verwahrung   -   keeping
Gewahrsam {m}; Haft {f}   -   custody
Gewahrsamsklausel   -   bailee clause
in das Gewahrsam der Eisenbahn   -   into the custody of the railway
jemanden in Gewahrsam nehmen   -   take something in safe keeping; take someone in custody
If he should ever change his faith, it'll be because he no longer thinks he's God.
processing time: 0.16 [sec]

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