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English - German     Spanish - German

418 results German - English substring search »
hüpfen, Sprung   -   hop
Etappe {f}   -   hop
Bremssprung {m}   -   braking hop
Bunny Hop (Fahrrad)   -   bunny hop
Laden, Werkstatt, Betrieb   -   shop
hofft   -   hopes
kürzen   -   chop
Laden {m}   -   shop
hoffte   -   hoped
Schopf {m}   -   tuft
Geschäft   -   shop
Hoffnung   -   hope
hoppla   -   whoops
hüpfte   -   hopped
unstet   -   choppy
   |    next 15 »
The door is the key.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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