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21 results German - English substring search »
ansteckend   -   infectious
infektiös, infectiosus, ansteckungsfähig, ansteckend   -   infectious (medical)
Infektionskrankheit {f}   -   infectious disease
Bubonenpest, Beulenpest, Drüsenpest   -   bubonic plague an acute febrile, infectious fatal disease caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis (medical)
Virushepatitis   -   infectious hepatitis (medical)
Infektionskrankheit   -   infectious disease (medical)
Hepatitis infectiosa   -   infectious hepatitis (medical)
infektiöses Exanthem   -   infectious exanthema (medical)
infektiöse Akanthome, benigne infektiöse Epitheliome, infektiöse Akanthopapillome   -   infectious acanthomas (medical)
Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber   -   acute infectious adenitis
infektiöse Bronchitis   -   infectious bronchitis (medical)
Angioma serpiginosum Crocker   -   infectious angioma (medical)
Infektionsabteilung   -   ward for infectious diseases (medical)
infektöse Laryngotracheitis   -   infectious laryngotracheitis (medical)
infektiöse hämatopoetische Nekrose   -   infectious hematopoietic necrosis, IHN (medical)
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"You're a creature of the night, Michael. Wait'll Mom hears about this." -- from the movie "The Lost Boys"
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