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46 results German - English substring search »
- : Gott, hilf mir (uns)!   -   LHM, LHU : Lord help me (us)!
Gebieter {m}   -   lord
[ Personenname ]   -   Lord
Lehnsherr {m}   -   feudal lord
der Lehensherr   -   liege lord
- : Lord {m}   -   Ld. : Lord [Br.]
total blau   -   drunk as a lord
König Hofnarr   -   lord of misrule
Vaterunser {n}   -   the Lord's Prayer
herrschen über +Akk.   -   to lord over
auf großem Fuß leben   -   to live like a lord
OB : Oberbürgermeister   -   - : Chief Burgomaster, Lord mayor
Abendmahl {n} (kirchlich)   -   (Holy) Communion; the Lord's Supper
Justizminister {m}   -   minister of justice; Lord Chancellor [Br.]; Attorney General [Am.]
großzügig   -   lordly
   |    next 15 »
Fifth Law of Procrastination: Procrastination avoids boredom; one never has the feeling that there is nothing important to do.
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