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9 results German - English substring search »
Exposee {n}   -   memo, memorandum
Konzept {n}; Notiz {f}; Memorandum {n}; kurzer Entwurf   -   minute
Notiz, Niederschrift, Bericht   -   memorandum
Notiz, Verzeichnis   -   memorandum
Notiz {f}   -   memorandum
Vermerk {m}   -   memorandum
Note {f}; Memorandum {n} [pol.]   -   note; memorandum
Verzeichnis {n}   -   memorandum
Aktennotiz {f}; Aktenvermerk {m}   -   memorandum for file; note for the files
This night methinks is but the daylight sick. -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"
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