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341 results German - English substring search »
Kommando {n}; Abteilung {f} [mil.]   -   draft
Baumverhau {m} [mil.]   -   abatis
Einberufung {f}; Einziehung {f} [mil.]   -   draft
Verlust {m}; Verluste {pl} [mil.]   -   casualties
Trommelfeuer {n} [mil.]   -   barrage
mild   -   meek
mild   -   mild
mild, sanft, gnädig   -   mild
Meile   -   mile
mild   -   balmy
Milz {f}   -   milt
Mühle   -   mill
Mühle, Fabrik, Walzwerk   -   mill
sanft   -   mild
Walze{f}   -   mill
   |    next 15 »
It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it. -- Ronald Knox, "Let Dons Delight"
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