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21 results German - English substring search »
Akt {m} (Kunst)   -   nude
nackt   -   nude
Aktfotografie {f} (Bild)   -   nude photograph
Aktstudie {f}   -   study from the nude
Aktfotografie {f}   -   nude photography
Aktstudien {pl}   -   studies from the nude
nackt   -   nudely
Nudel {f}   -   sammy
nackig   -   nudely
Nudel {f}   -   noodle
Nudeln {pl}   -   noodles
entblößt   -   denudes
entblößen   -   to denude
Nacktheit {f}   -   nudeness
Fadennudeln {pl}   -   vermicelli
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prairies, n.: Vast plains covered by treeless forests.
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