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25 results German - English substring search »
Reden {pl}   -   orations
Behang {m} (Schmuck)   -   decorations
Dekorationen, Verzierungen   -   decorations
Dekorationen {pl}; Verzierungen {pl}   -   decorations
Kräftigungen   -   invigorations
Ausduenstungen, Verdampfungen   -   evaporations
Ausdünstungen {pl}; Verdampfungen {pl}   -   evaporations
Erforschungen {pl}   -   explorations
Kräftigungen {pl}   -   invigorations
Perforationen {pl}   -   perforations
Ausarbeitungen {pl}   -   elaborations
Bestätigungen   -   corroborations
Gemeinschaften {pl}   -   corporations
Verbindungen {pl}   -   incorporations
Verfärbungen {pl}   -   discolorations
   |    next 15 »
Aphasia: Loss of speech in social scientists when asked at parties, "But of what use is your research?"
processing time: 0.068 [sec]

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