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15 results German - English substring search »
Ausstattung, Ausrüstung   -   outfit
Ausstattung {f}   -   outfit
Ausstaffierung, Ausruestung   -   outfit
Ausstaffierung {f}; Ausrüstung {f}   -   outfit
Reparaturkit {n}   -   repair outfit
der ganze Kram   -   the whole outfit
Werkzeugzulage   -   outfit allowance
Reparaturausrüstung {f}   -   repair outfit
Händler   -   outfitter
Händler {m}   -   outfitter
Ausruestungen   -   outfits
Ausrüstungen {pl}   -   outfits
ausgestattet   -   outfitted
ausstattend   -   outfitting
Sportgeschäft {n}   -   sports outfitters
pain, n.: One thing, at least it proves that you're alive!
processing time: 0.058 [sec]

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