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230 results German - English substring search »
präsent   -   present
Geschenk   -   present
Geschenk {n}; Präsent {n}   -   present
vorhanden   -   present
heutig   -   present-day
modern   -   present-day
gegenwärtig   -   present
gegenwärtig, vorlegen   -   present
vorlegen   -   to present
z.Z., z.Zt. : zur Zeit   -   - : at present, for the time being, at the time of
präsentieren, vorstellen   -   present
Zeitwert   -   present value
anwesend bei   -   present at
im Augenblick   -   at present
vorläufig   -   for the present
   |    next 15 »
Death wish, n.: The only wish that always comes true, whether or not one wishes it to.
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