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16 results German - English substring search »
Beute {f}; Opfer {n}   -   quarry
die Mine   -   quarry
Jagdbeute {f}; Wild {n}   -   quarry
stöbern   -   to quarry
Steinbruch {m}   -   quarry
[ Personenname ]   -   Quarry
Schieferbruch {m}; Schieferbergwerk {n}   -   slate quarry
Steinbruch {m}   -   quarry; stone pit
verfolgtes Wild   -   quarry; chase
Marmorsteinbruch {m}; Marmorbruch {m}   -   marble quarry
Tongrube {f}   -   clay pit; clay quarry
Kalksteinbruch {m}   -   limestone quarry
Straßen zum Tonbruch   -   clay quarry acces road
Straßen zum Kalksteinbruch   -   limestone quarry access road
Bruchstein {m}   -   quarrystone
   |    next 15 »
If you wait long enough, it will go away... after having done its damage. If it was bad, it will be back.
processing time: 0.057 [sec]

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