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151 results German - English substring search »
halb...   -   semi
halbfett   -   semi-bold
vorgeheizt   -   semi-cured
angelernt   -   semi-skilled
Halbfinale {n}   -   semi final
Halbkreis {m}   -   semi circle
Strichpunkt   -   semi-colon
halbfertig   -   semi-finished
halbjährlich   -   semi-annual
halbamtlich   -   semi-official
halbmonatlich   -   semi-monthly
halböffentlich   -   semi-public
teilautonom   -   semi-autonomous
Fluegelpumpe   -   semi-rotary pump
Flügelpumpe {f}   -   semi-rotary pump
   |    next 15 »
The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. -- Muriel Rukeyser
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