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17 results German - English substring search »
Busch, Staude   -   shrub
Busch {m}; Staude {f}   -   shrub
Strauch {m}   -   shrub
Teestrauch {m}   -   tea shrub
Teerstrauch {m}   -   tea shrub
Buesche   -   shrubs
Buesche, Stauden   -   shrubs
Büsche {pl}   -   shrubs
Büsche {pl}; Stauden {pl}   -   shrubs
Gebuesch   -   shrubbery
Gebüsch {m}   -   shrubbery
Gebuesche   -   shrubberies
Gebüsche {pl}   -   shrubberies
Strauchwerk {n}   -   shrubbery
Teesträuche {pl}   -   tea shrubs
   |    next 15 »
Spirtle, n.: The fine stream from a grapefruit that always lands right in your eye. -- Sniglets, "Rich Hall & Friends"
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