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15 results German - English substring search »
sofortig   -   instant
sofortig, umgehend   -   promptly
unmittelbar; sofortig {adj}   -   immediate
sofortiger Bedarf   -   immediate demand
sofortiger Tod   -   instantaneous death
sofort gültig, mit sofortiger Wirkung   -   immediately effective
sofortige Lieferung   -   immediate delivery
sofortiger Besitz   -   immediate possession
zu sofortiger Freigabe   -   for immediate release
gegen sofortige Bezahlung kaufen   -   buy outright
sofortige Barzahlung bei Kaufabschluß   -   spot cash
zur sofortigen Bestellung   -   for immediate ordering
zur sofortigen Annahme   -   subject to immediate acceptance
Klausel die sofortige Zahlung fordert   -   acceleration clause
Verkauf zur sofortigen Lieferung   -   sale for prompt delivery
He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.
processing time: 0.05 [sec]

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