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8 results German - English substring search »
räumlich   -   spatial
räumlich; Raum...   -   spatial
Raumsinn, Raumempfindung   -   spatial aptitude, space sense (medical)
räumliche Orientierung   -   spatial orientation (medical)
Europäisches Raumentwicklungskonzept (EUREK   -   European Spatial Development Perspective (E.S.D.P.) 
Forschungsstelle für Raumwirtschaft der Universität Freiburg   -   Research Center in Spatial Economics at the University of Fribourg
räumliche   -   spatially
spatiale räumliche Desorientierung   -   spatial disorientation (medical)
Sure he's sharp as a razor ... he's a two-dimensional pinhead!
processing time: 0.199 [sec]

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