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16 results German - English substring search »
Bandbreite, Skala, Spektrum   -   spectrum
Bandbreite {f}; Skala {f}; Spektrum {n}   -   spectrum
Frequenzverteilung   -   spectrum
Massenspektrum {n}   -   mass spectrum
Antwortspektrum {n}   -   response spectrum
Spektralanalysen {pl}   -   spectrum analyses
das Leistungsspektrum   -   power spectrum
das Leistungsspektrum   -   energy spectrum
Emissionsspektrum {n}   -   emissions spectrum
Spektrum-Analysator {m}   -   spectrum analyser
Breitspektrum-, Breitspektrum-   -   broad spectrum (medical)
Rotations-Raman-Spektrum {n}   -   rotational Raman spectrum
Wechselspektrumverfahren {n}   -   spread spectrum technology
Spektralanalyse {f}   -   spectrum analysis; spectral analysis
Ultraschallsignatur eines Bauteil   -   Spread Spectrum Ultrasonic
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...though his invention worked superbly -- his theory was a crock of sewage from beginning to end. -- Vernor Vinge, "The Peace War"
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