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50 results German - English substring search »
Speiche {f}   -   spoke
gesprochen   -   spoke
Radspeiche {f}   -   spoke
Radspeiche {f}; Speiche {f}   -   spoke
Drahtspeiche {f}   -   wire spoke
Nippelspanner {m}   -   spoke wrench
Speichennippel {m}   -   spoke nippel
Speichennippel {n}   -   spoke nipple
verjüngte Speiche   -   butted spoke
Gussspeichenrad {n}   -   cast spoke wheel
sprechen; reden (über; von)   -   to speak {spoke; spoken} (about)
Doppeldickspeiche {f}   -   double butted spoke
Gussspeichenrad {n}   -   cast-iron spoke wheel
jemandem die Suppe versalzen   -   to put a spoke in someone's wheel
Er sprach über Nichtssagendes.   -   He spoke about indifferent topics.
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