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50 results German - English substring search »
Statistik {f}   -   statistic
Hilfsmasszahl   -   ancillary statistic
Hilfsmaßzahl {f}   -   ancillary statistic
Statistik {f}   -   statistics
statistisch {adj}   -   statistical
Statistiker {m}   -   statistician
Statistiker {pl}   -   statisticians
Datenreihe, Zahlenreihe   -   statistical series
Mahnstatistik   -   dunning statistics
Exportstatistik   -   export statistics
Handelsstatistik   -   trade statistics
Schadensstatistik   -   loss statistics
Verlaufsstatistik   -   flow statistics
Jahresstatistik {f}   -   annual statistics
Verkaufsstatistik   -   sales statistics
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Oh wearisome condition of humanity! Born under one law, to another bound. -- Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke
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