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83 results German - English substring search »
Zähler {m}   -   tally
nachzählen, abhaken   -   tally
übereinstimmen   -   tally
Abhakliste   -   tally list
[ Personenname ]   -   Tally
Kontrolleur   -   tally clerk
Kontrollzettel, Strichliste   -   tally sheet
Abzahlungssystem   -   tally system
übereinstimmen (Angaben)   -   to tally; to correspond
distal   -   distally
schlimm   -   fatally
wichtig   -   vitally
zählen   -   tallying
rektale   -   rectally
digital   -   digitally
   |    next 15 »
Since we're all here, we must not be all there. -- Bob "Mountain" Beck
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