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45 results German - English substring search »
berühren, Berührung   -   touch
Anschlag {m} (Tastatur; Klavier; Schwimmen)   -   touch
Beruehrung   -   touch
Berührung {f}   -   touch
berühren   -   to touch
anpumpen   -   to touch for
Sensortaste {f}   -   touch key
[ Personenname ]   -   Touch
Tastsinn, Tactus, Getast   -   sense of touch, tactile sense (medical)
Tastsinn {m}   -   sense of touch
Zielwahl {f}   -   one-touch dial
berühren; rühren   -   to touch
goldene Note   -   golden touch
berührt   -   touched
berührt   -   touches
   |    next 15 »
Sigmund Freud is alleged to have said that in the last analysis the entire field of psychology may reduce to biological electrochemistry.
processing time: 3.556 [sec]

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