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24 results German - English substring search »
Reisen   -   travelling
reisend   -   travelling
befahrend   -   travelling on
fahbarstes   -   most travelling
fahrbarere   -   more travelling
fahrbarstes   -   most travelling
Reisetasche {f}   -   travelling bag
Wanderwelle {f}   -   travelling wave
anreisend; reisend   -   travelling
herumreisend   -   travelling about
Reisender   -   travelling salesman
Reisetaschen {pl}   -   travelling bags
Wanderwellen {pl}   -   travelling waves
durchreisend   -   travelling through
Reisespesen   -   travelling expenses
   |    next 15 »
Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold, enough!". -- Shakespeare
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