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17 results German - English substring search »
unbedingt   -   absolute
unbedingt   -   imperative
unbedingt   -   implicitly
unbedingt   -   unconditional
ganz bestimmt; unbedingt   -   without fail
bestimmt und unbedingt   -   unconditional and definite
Du brauchst unbedingt Hilfe.   -   You're certain to need help.
eine unbedingt maßgebende Regel   -   an absolutely definite ruling
unbedingte   -   imperative
unbedingte Annahme   -   general acceptance
unbedingter Sprung   -   unconditional jump
unbedingte Annahme   -   absolute acceptance
unbedingter Sprung   -   unconditional branch
unbedingte Anweisung   -   unconditional order
unbedingter Srungbefehl   -   go-to instruction
   |    next 15 »
You may be marching to the beat of a different drummer, but you're still in the parade.
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