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26 results German - English substring search »
wusste   -   knew
wusste   -   intuited
Er wusste nicht, was er darauf erwidern sollte.   -   He didn't know what to say to that.
bewusste   -   consciously
unbewusste   -   unknowingly
unbewusste   -   unconsciously
pflichtbewusste   -   duteously
zielbewusste   -   purposefully
Apperzeption {f}; begrifflich urteilendes Erfassen; bewusste sinnliche Wahrnehmung   -   apperception
unterbewusste   -   subliminally
halbbewusste   -   semiconsciously
unterbewusste   -   subconsciously
unbewusstere   -   more unconscious
pflichtbewusstere   -   more dutiful
   |    next 15 »
"The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was." -- Walt West
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