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71 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Muttersprache {f} - mother tongue
Mutterländer - mother countries  
Rabenmutter {m} - unnatural mother  
  die Mutterfirma - mother company  
Mutterkomplex {m} - mother fixation  
  Mutterländer {pl} - mother countries  
Schwiegermutter {f} - mother in law  
  werdende Mutter {f} - expectant mother  
  berufstätige Mutter - working mother  
  ruf deine Mutter an - call your mother  
  Mutter von drei Kindern - mother of three  
  Mutter ging zum Markt, auf den Markt - mother went to market  
  Sie hat viel von ihrer Mutter. - She takes after her mother.  
  Not macht erfinderisch. - Necessity is the mother of invention.  
  als Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein - to have been dropped on one's head by one's mother  
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It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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