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16 Ergebnisse German - English whole word search »
Koaxial - coaxial
koaxial - coaxial  
Koaxialkabel - coax
  Koaxial... - coaxial  
schmeichelt - coaxes
schmeichelte - coaxed
Schmeichler {m} - coaxer
geschmeichelt - coaxed  
schmeichelnd - coaxing
schmeichelnde - coaxingly
  [ Personenname ] - Coaxum
  Koaxialkabel - coaxial cable  
  schmeicheln; gut zureden - to coax  
  Koaxialkabel {n} - coax; coax cable; coaxial cable  
  beschwatzen (etwas zu tun) - to coax (to do; into doing)  
   |    next 15 »
love, n.: When you don't want someone too close--because you're very sensitive to pleasure.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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