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28 Ergebnisse German - English whole word search »
Normale {f} [math.] - normal
Normalen {pl} - normals
normalere - more normal  
normalerweise - normally
subnormale - subnormally
  normalerweise - naturally
  normale Zeit - normal time  
  Senkrechte {f}; Lot {n}; Senkwaage {f}; Normale {f} - perpendicular
normaler Preis - regular price  
Normaleinsatz {m} - normal service  
  normaler Zins - ordinary interest  
  normale Tätigkeit - normal activity  
normales Arbeitstempo - normal pace  
  normaler Arbeitsschritt - normal pace  
  normale Geschwindigkeit - normal speed  
   |    next 15 »
"I got everybody to pay up front...then I blew up their planet." "Now why didn't I think of that?" -- Post Bros. Comics

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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