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30 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
denkend - thinking
gedenkend - thinking of  
überdenkend - thinking over  
Denkweise {f} - way of thinking  
klardenkend - clear thinking  
nachdenkend - thinking about  
  Confusio mentalis, Verwirrtheit, geistige Verwirrtheit - confusion, amentia, thought disorder, thinking disorder, ideosynchysis (medical)  
zurückdenkend - thinking back  
Denkprozess {m} - thinking process  
Wunschdenken {n} - wishful thinking  
Denkprozesse {pl} - thinking processes  
  kreative Denktechnik - area thinking  
Kostendenken - thinking in terms of cost  
Schubladendenken {n} - stereotyped thinking  
  inkohärentes Denken, Zerfahrenheit, Zerstreutheit - incoherent thinking, confusion, incoherent ideation (medical)  
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Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They're too busy worrying over what you are thinking about them.

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