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234 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Ende - tail
  Ende, Rest - tail  
  Ende {n}; Rest {m} - tail  
  Sterz {m} (Schwanzende) - tail  
  kaudal, steißwärts, zum Gesäß - caudal, near/towards the tail caudal (medical)  
Schwanz {m} - tail  
Fanghaken {m} - tail hook  
Kielflosse {f} - tail fin  
Fersengeld {n} - turn tail  
Hecklicht {n} - tail light  
Schwanzende {n} - tail end  
  [ Personenname ] - Tail
Kielflossen {pl} - tail fins  
Schwanzenden {pl} - tail ends  
Hecklichter {pl} - tail lights  
   |    next 15 »
Theorem: a cat has nine tails. Proof: No cat has eight tails. A cat has one tail more than no cat. Therefore, a cat has nine tails.

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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