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298 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Mauer - wall
Mauer, Wall - wall  
  Wall {m}; Damm {m}; Böschung {f}; Ufer {n}; Bank {f}; Gruppe {f} - bank
  Wand {f}; Mauer {f} - wall  
  Wall {m} - parapet
  Wall {m} - rampart
Rückwandecho - back, ~ reflection, ~ -wall echo  
  Aneurysma, Ausbuchtung eines Blutgefäßes - aneurysm, swelling in artery wall (medical)  
Wandkarte {f} - wall map  
Wanduhr {f} - wall clock  
zumauern - to wall up  
dünnwandig - thin-wall  
einmauern - to wall in  
Wandlampe {f} - wall lamp  
Weißwand {f} - white wall  
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You'd best be snoozin', 'cause you don't be gettin' no work done at 5 a.m. anyway. -- From the wall of the Wurster Hall stairwell

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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