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123 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
  nicht amtlich - non-official
offiziellere - more official  
offiziellste - most official  
Amtsblatt {n} - official gazette  
Amtstracht {f} - official attire  
Amtsvorsteher - head official  
Bahnbeamte - railway official  
Dienstweg - official channels  
  Dienstweg {m} - official channel  
Würdenträger {m} - high official  
Amtssenator - official senator  
  Amtsvorsteher {m}; Amtsleiter {m} - head official  
Dienstpflicht {f} - official duty  
  Dienststunden, Öffnungsstunden - official hours  
Zollbeamte {f} - customs official  
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All his life he has looked away... to the horizon, to the sky, to the future. Never his mind on where he was, on what he was doing. -- Yoda

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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