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202 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
geistig, mental, verstandesmäßig - mental  
  Dementia, geistiger Verfall - dementia, loosing your mind, loss of mental functions (medical)  
Denkarbeit - mental work  
Irrenhaus {n} - mental home  
  Kopfarbeit, Denkarbeit - mental work  
  geistig; seelisch {adj} - mental  
Geisteskraft {f} - mental power  
Irrenanstalt {f} - mental house  
psychomotorisch - psychomotor, involving motor effects of mental activity, deriving from mental and motor factors (medical)  
Geisteszustand {m} - mental state  
Denkfaulheit {f} - mental laziness  
Fassungskraft {f} - mental capacity  
  geistige Störung - mental defect  
Kopfrechnen {n} - mental arithmetic  
Seelenleiden {n} - mental suffering  
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"I don't think they could put him in a mental hospital. On the other hand, if he were already in, I don't think they'd let him out."

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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