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39 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
negativ - negative
  negative, verneinend - negative  
  negative - negatively
Negative {pl} - negatives
  ohne Befund - negative  
  Sturz, negativ {m} - negative camber  
  Anion betreffend, anionisch - anionic, with a negative charge (medical)  
HIV-negativ - HIV-negative  
  negativ [math.] - negative  
  Ablehnung, abschlägige Antwort - negative answer  
  ablehnend; negativ - negative  
  Auswuchs {m} (negativ) - negative spin-off  
Fehlanzeige - negative report  
Schrumpfung - negative growth  
  neg. : negativ - neg. : negative  
   |    next 15 »
Free yourself from negative influence. Negative thoughts are the old habits that gnaw at the roots of the soul. Moses Shongo, (Seneca)

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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