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102 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
  Substrat, Grundsubstanz - substrate, substance on which an enzyme acts (medical)
Staatsakte {pl} - acts of state  
Racheakte {pl} - acts of revenge  
Gewaltakte {pl} - acts of violence  
Willensakte {pl} - acts of volition  
  agiert; arbeitet; Apostelgeschichte - acts  
  eine Reihe von Handlungen - a series of acts  
  (Br.) Gesetz betreffend Fabriken - Factory Acts
  ausgenommen höhere Gewalt - acts of good excepted  
Vorbenutzungshandlungen {pl} - acts of prior use (jur.)  
  die Handlungen des Absender - the acts of the consignor  
  Haftung für irgendwelche Handlungen - liability for any acts  
  Unterbrechung durch höhere Gewalt - interruption by Acts of God  
  Fakten, Tatsachen - facts  
Takte {pl} - tacts  
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Office Automation: The use of computers to improve efficiency in the office by removing anyone you would want to talk with over coffee.

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