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14 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Ektomie {f} - ectomy (surgical removal of a part, usually of some magnitude, e.g. jaw, stomach, colon etc.)  
  Ektomie {f} - resection (surgical removal of a part, usually of some magnitude, e.g. jaw, stomach, colon etc.)  
Nephrektomie, Nierenexstirpation, Entfernung einer Niere - nephrectomy, extirpation of a kidney (medical)  
  Ovariektomie, Ovariotomie - oophorectomy, removal of an ovary, ovariectomy, spaying (medical)  
  Mastektomie [med.] - mastectomy
  Lumpektomie {f} (brusterhaltende Operation bei Mammakarzinom) - lumpectomy (med.)  
  Ovarektomie [med.] - ovariectomy
  Thylektomie {f} (brusterhaltende Operation bei Mammakarzinom) - lumpectomy (med.)  
  Splenektomie [med.] - splenektomy
  Laryngektomie [med.] - laryngectomy
  Prostatektomie [med.] - prostatectomy
  Hypophysektomie [med.] - hypophysectomy
  Pankreatektomie [med.] - pancreatectomy
  Thyreoidektomie [med.] - thyreoidektomy
In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.

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