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24 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Folie, Metallfolie - foil
  Folie {f}; Metallfolie {f} - foil  
  Folie {f}; Overheadfolie {f}; Overhead-Projektor-Folie {f} - overhead transparency  
Folien, Metallfolien - foils
  Folien {pl}; Metallfolien {pl} - foils  
Aluminiumfolie - tinfoil
  Aluminiumfolie - tin foil  
Aluminiumfolien - tin foils  
Foliengießen {n} - tape casting  
  Abdeckfolie {f} - cover sheeting  
  Schutzfolie - protective foil  
folienbeschichtet - foil-coated
  Plastikfolie {f} - polythene sheet  
  Beschriftungsfolie {f} - labelling foil  
  Abdichtungsfolie {f} - waterproofing foil  
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"I'm a mean green mother from outer space" -- Audrey II, The Little Shop of Horrors

G german grammar, powered by Canoo.com W english lexikon and speech samples, powered by Merriam-Webster

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